Try to avoid over-compacting your soil. Don’t walk on areas you’re improving. Clay compacts itself naturally if you, the kids, or your pets walk on it. All you’re doing is making the problem worse. Add Quality Amendments Amend clay soil with organic matter before planting. No matter ...
So one simple act will improve your soil, keep weeds at bay and make your beds and borders look far better. Why do soils need improving? Clay soils: Although clay soils hold nutrients well, they are heavy, slow to warm up and tend to be too wet (sticky) in the winter and too dry...
Once sprayed the active ingredient – pelargonic acid – starts working immediately, giving you results in just 3 hours and breaks down in soil naturally. Weeds will be dead in under 24 hours, leaving the area ready for replanting in just 3 days. ...
Work rock phosphate or wood ashes into the soil before planting to ensure fertility Carrots prefer a soil pH of 5.5 to 6.8. If you have rocky soil or heavy clay, grow carrots in a raised bed. Planting in raised or mounded beds are ideal for growing carrots. Carrots planting time Sow car...
What Are the Best Ways to Reverse Tooth Decay Naturally?Cavities are the result of tooth decay or the destruction of your actual tooth structure. The goal in treating a cavity is removing the decaying material as well as any bacteria that is causing decay and supporting the development of the...
Carnivorous Venus flytraps can live in a terrarium as long as they have a food source, humidity, acidic soil and a constant temperature.Timof/Shutterstock Unless you live where Venus flytraps grow naturally, you probably won't be able to just plop one into the dirt in your garden and watc...
If the tubing that collects the water doesn’t naturally fall to the bottom of the water container, you may need to add a weight to force it to go to the bottom (that way it uses all the water) Most pumps have ports on the side, top, or back. One for water going in, and the...
12 Methods to Kill Weeds Naturally How to Remove Grass and Create a Garden! It’s only recently that we’ve come to appreciate mulch’s sustainable and ecological benefits. Done correctly, mulching feeds our soil’s living microorganisms with nutrients, and the waste from these tiny microbes cr...
Another option for planting a rock garden on flat land is to pile up your own mound, known as a berm. One advantage of a berm is that it slopes down naturally at all sides, promoting drainage. This is helpful if you're including a variety of plants in your garden, some of which nee...
Left in a dump, they can catch fire or break down and leach toxic compounds into soil and groundwater. However, there are several new uses for old tires. Tires are shredded and filtered of non-rubber components. Rubber Bark uses the shredded tires to create landscaping mulch [source: ...