To do this multiplication, I will multiply all the top numbers (that is, all the numerators) with each other, and multiply all the bottom numbers (that is, all the denominators) with each other. However, to make life a little easier for myself, I'll first cancel off any factors that...
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The use of counterfeit watches has increased over the past decade due to the rise of social media and Instagram, which has made it easier for people to showcase their style and fashion. Counterfeit watches are also powered by celebrities such as Serena Gomez. Serena Gomez wears watches on var...
In simple terms, an inverse matrix is the square matrix A−1 that you can multiply on either side of matrix A to get the identity matrix I. In other words, given matrix A, its inverse matrix A−1 obeys the following:A× A−1 = A−1× A = I ...
Running data centers on renewable power sources is not enough to address the growing energy use of the Internet. Finally, solar and wind power are not always available, which means that an Internet running on renewable power sources would require infrastructure for energy storage and/or transmission...
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That's really all there is to2-by-2determinants. Just make sure you multiply and subtract in the right order, and you'll be fine. You can use the Mathway widget below to practice finding the values of the determinants of2-by-2matrices (or skip the widget and continue on to thenext ...
Because they've given me a measurement in "yards", I'll want the unit of "yards" to cancel off in my multiplication. Because of this, I'll state my ratio (of yards to feet) with the "feet" on top: (3 feet)/(1 yard) Now I can multiply the length they've given me by my...