3x,a2, 5x2y3and so on. When you're asked to multiply monomials together, you'll deal first with the coefficients (the non-variable numbers), and then with the variables themselves. You can use the same technique to multiply any quantity of monomials together, although it's easiest...
Rules for Simplifying Monomials The power of a power rule says that when evaluating a power of a power, multiply the exponents of base variables. The multiply monomials rule says that when you multiple monomial expressions, add the exponents of like bases. The dividing monomials rule says that ...
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Monomials, polynomials Functions Exponents Quadratic equations Inequalities and basic statistics Algebraic expressions and equations Permutation and combination Progressions How to study for GMAT Focus Edition According to GMAC, the new GMAT Focus Edition aims to assess better “higher-order critical reasoni...
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Ahomogeneous polynomialis a multivariate polynomial (i.e. a polynomial of more than one variable), with all terms of the same degree. Another way to put this: a polynomial is homogeneous of degreedif it is alinear combinationof monomials of degreed[1]. ...
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