Some of these pathological liars don’t even realize that they are hurting the people around them with their lies, so they do it even more frequently. When you’re confronting someone who constantly lies to you, just remember that you cannot change them, that this is their choice and that...
In aninterview for Backstage, Levy said of the decision to take a chance on "Suburgatory": "I try not to get attached to stuff; I try to move on. But this was the first one I went out for and it was exciting. ... When I found out it was actually going to happen, I went cr...
From this starting point, Dan Kern and Tim Hampton (Inflow strategists) were able to move forward in the right direction with what limited information they had, while collecting more information to customize the strategy for this particular client. The gist of their strategy was this: Prune it...
I believe all of these things to be true. If the people in my life who are supposed to love me the most say these things to me as a child, they have to be true. I don’t have relationships. I have people around me who I know I am not good enough for. I was just s...
They are experienced liars. They will have their excuse ready. It's up to you to recognize the signs, see the change in behaviors, and find the evidence to prove that they are cheating on you. As they say, "if you come at the king, you best not miss." ...
Why Jews Don't Move To Zion Why Jews Fear Putin As Prime Minister Why The Jews Hate Jesus Christ Will Jew-Owned Fed Reserve Bank Kill Ron Paul? Will The Jews Provoke WW III In Kosovo? Woodrow Wilson – Pawn Of The Jews World News Wrap Up Zionist Agenda Articles Zionist Bosses...
I am happy to write thisnewpost, therefore, and will add a link to it from the old one. Glad to be of service! The core of the whole thing remains the evidence, so let's check out the new and improved NiagaraMedical Research pages(which I presume will in due course move tohere.)...
this results in smart idiots who can do incredibly complex tasks in a controlled environment but lack basic knowledge of the psyche and the world around them. Smart idiots are incapable of producing great change, for they don’t possess the ability to see through the mainstream concepts ...
and futility. I’ve always been interested in taking on the discomfort of learning difficult truths and acknowledging when a blind spot has been hiding something from me. We’re all complicit in the problems around us. The least we can do is to try to use our energy to make things a ti...
BAR(Present day, Marshall, Barney and Robin sit at booth; Lily enters bar and heads over to them)Lily: Guess what came in the mail today?(Lily sits down next to Marshall)Marshall: Our costumes? Do they rule?Lily: They rule. And yours is 100% wool so you won't get hypothermia like...