How to Use Your GoPro as a Helmet Camera Whether you’remountain biking, cycling cross country, cruising on yourmotorcycle,skiingdown a mountain, flying through the air skydiving or engaging in any helmet-clad activity, having aGoPro action cameramounted on your helmet can help you capture th...
GoPro 提示 如何在头盔上使用 GoPro 摄像机 2月 14, 2024 分享 不论你是在山地骑行、越野骑行,还是骑摩托车兜风、在山上滑雪、在空中跳伞,亦或是从事任何戴头盔的运动,在头盔上安装一个GoPro 运动摄像机都能帮助你捕捉更多精彩绝伦、非凡稳定的瞬间,让你将来反复重温和分享。
Contour, which recently closed it's doors, was a major player until GoPro came on the scene in a big way several years ago. Other brands attempting to break into the POV camera market include Sony and Garmin. There are also more and more brands in the Asian market making POV camera ...
how to How to Mount a 1080p camera on a helmet for less than $70 By Phil Lonsdale Jun 30, 2011 Cinematography WonderHowTo Looking for a way to record what you see from your motorcycle? Check out this video and learn how to mount a 1080p HD camera in a motocross helmet. Capture ...
However, the latter typically features a screen that helps you review footage and mount the camera correctly, so that you can shoot at the angle you want, rather than blindly winging it [source: Long]. Here are some other features to consider [source: HDHelmet]: Resolution: Shooting a POV...
one arm resting on the helmet he wears when riding his limited-edition matte green ducati. cossman revived the name qwake from his first failed startup—it was a reference to a life-changing experience he had building a school in haiti after the earthquake—for this second, as-yet-undefined...
How to Use Your GoPro as a Helmet Camera Whether you’remountain biking, cycling cross country, cruising on yourmotorcycle,skiingdown a mountain, flying through the air skydiving or engaging in any helmet-clad activity, having aGoPro action cameramounted on your helmet can help you capture th...
So verwendest du deine GoPro als Helmkamera Fährst du gern Mountainbike oder Rennrad? Cruist du auf deinem Motorradüber Panoramastraßen, flitzt du auf Skiern steile Berghänge hinunter oder genießt du beim Fallschirmspringen den freien Fall? Egal, welchen Aktivitäten du am ...