Want to play a practical joke or con on a roommate or friend? Look no further! Make people naked with Photoshop, hack a vending machine, prank a computer, make crank calls or crack a lock. Make fake dog poop cookies, cheat on any test or prank a frien
We’re now going to take Phrygian-dominant and alter one of its notes to morph it into an even more exotic and otherworldly sounding scale. We’ll raise the minor, or “flatted,” seventh, D to the major seventh, D#, just as we had done earlier with E Aeolian to make it E harmoni...
sludgy riffs, shredding lead breaks and wild drum fills. So, yeah, “Sweet Leaf” is the blueprint for what we now refer to as stoner rock. And as the good fight for national legalization here in America rages on, the lyrics are still as relevant as ever. “Straight people ...
CUT TO: 3 EXT. THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA A pale, dead-flat lunar landscape. It gets brighter, lit from above, as MIR ONE enters FRAME and drops to the seafloor in a downblast from its thrusters. It hits bottom after its two hour free-fall with a loud BONK. CUT TO: 4 INT. MIR ...
How-To Setup a Linux Server for Ruby on Rails - with Phusion Passenger and GitHub - Hack'd ANN: Rake 0.8.4 Released Dusting off Vlad - Polishing Ruby vlad version 1.3.0 has been released! - Polishing Ruby state_machine: One machine to rule them all? | PluginAWeek Sinatra 0.9.1 relea...
It’s not easy to start a hybrid blog. Often a blog will start off as a trip journal and then morph into a hybrid as the blogger becomes more of an authority in their niche. I think it’s safe to say that all the most well-known travel writers fall into this category. ...
So, I just prefer to not mess with them at all anymore.Abel: As I understand, your diet was plant-based for the most part, and more carb-based before this. So, when did that happen and how did it go?For 4 years when I was in college, I did a strict whole foods plant-ba...
4. Why you should not set up a bicycle repair business Before diving in, consider your circumstances and the nature of the local economy where you live. If the answer to the following questions is no, setting up a bicycle repair company may not be such a good idea: Is there demand fo...
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