When it comes to push-ups, your form is crucial.Each push-up needs to be done with proper form so that your total reps measured from workout to workout are on equal footing. If you did 20 push-ups two days ago, and then today you did 25 push-ups by only going down halfway, st...
Pull-ups are very simple but very hard. Most people think they know how to do pull-ups but there are quite a few variations on the proper form that some hardos might frown on, but still count as legitimate pull-ups. To perform a pull-up, hang on to any bar, doorway, tree branch,...
It’s also important for agents to stay on task, focusing on the most meaningful interactions. When tedious – but important – work like post-call write ups or logging follow-ups contributes extra time and effort, any time you can give back to your frontline agents can go a long way. T...
My guide shows you how to do Pullups: proper grip width, arm position, what if you can’t do a single rep, and more. Get stronger with my technique tips.
1. Practice Pull Ups The best way to get better at pull ups is to practice them. In other words, do pull ups more frequently. This is called “greasing the groove”. The more pull ups you do, the more efficient your neuromuscular system becomes. In other words, the movement becomes ha...
7 mistakes to avoid sent straight to your inbox... FREE! GET BONE CRUSHING STRENGTH FREE! However, if you’re doing pull-ups once per week, this isn’t going to give you the gains you are after. I advise you to increase the frequency of your pull-ups (do them more than once per...
You might need to modify the commands before you paste so keep your favorite text editor handy. ...is organized in an order that makes logical sense to me -- i.e. securing SSH before installing a firewall. As such, this guide is intended to be followed in the order it is presented,...
Here, learn what the most effective steps and routines to achieving your first pull-up is. And also how to increase pull-ups in the fastest way possible.
Pull-ups are a classic exercise used to measure upper body strength because they require enough power to “pull” your entire body weight up, working against gravity. To do a pull-up, you need to grab onto your pull-up bar with straight arms, set your shoulders, and engage your back an...
There are three main strategies for running Shopify sales promotions: pull strategy, push strategy, and hybrid strategy. Pull Strategiesinvolve taking steps to make shoppers want to buy your products. They entail creating online marketing campaigns, giving away freebies, and providing seasonal discounts...