The first thing you’re going to need is a penny. It’s best if you wash it in order to remove any dirt or debris that is stuck to it. This makes it easier to work with, and your tag can be nice and shiny on the other side. You’ll also need some Modge Podge, some craft p...
To wrap, tightly pull the art up over the side of the canvas and staple the art into the wood frame with a staple gun. Make sure the staples are going through the wood frame of the canvas, not the diamond painting canvas itself. Put five staples on each side. I stapled first in t...
Once you have your photos printed, you can go ahead and apply the double-sided tape. Peel off the yellow liner from the tape sheet... ...and apply the tape to the back of the printed photos.Leave the red liner in place for now— you'll remove that later on when it's time to ...
2. Then, take your exacto knife and cut across the width of foot sole where the ball of your foot is.. The easiest way I found out is to bend your foot forward a bit with the shoe on, and that way you can see where the shoe naturally bends. This is because when you walk, your...
-modge podge -silver paint - red bike lights -red L Wire - neck fan -camel pack - wood planks -black see-through fabric -clear plastic Step 1: Reference Pictures 12 More Images Before I ever start ANY costume, I look up a ton of reference photos from various sources and put it in ...
A good basic option is Modge Podge. 3 Mix media as necessary. To create an even more realistic look, you can mix media as needed to get the look you want. This can mean using real hair for a sculpture of a person, real fabric for clothes, or actual dirt, rocks, or moss for ...