Modifying the system clock is accomplished by using the clock divide bits (CD1:0) found in the PMR special function register. The timer 1 input clock divide ratio is configurable using the T1M (CKCON.4) and T1MH (CKMOD.4) register bits. Setting the T1MH bit to a...
How to install mods that don't use addon folder. Rezzed Death Star is used as an example, but this works for every map that replaces a default SWBF2 Map. If you ever found the Rezzed Maps mod or my own Realistic Maps/Rezzed Maps mod you must see this tutorial and make sure you pl...
that is provided with VRED and added some of my own lines of code. We need a clever way to mark all the nodes in our scene that should rotate when we activate the tool. I will use a simple keyword that I add to the name of the node. I chose the keyword "tool_turntable" for ...
Hey @Aramarus sorry to say but its going to be plugging/unplugging every time or turn it off the device in device-manger. /Atic - 10830457
Are you wondering how to embed arbitrary data in a JSON object? Or do you want to put arbitrary data in your DID Document, such that said data gets returned when the right DID-URL is dereferenced? You could put the data in a data: URL and put that data:URL as a service endpoint, ...
If you see your teammates have lvl < 30 and the enemy above 500 or max in order to play balanced game you leave the match and que for the next map. If you see the name of previous map you cancel the search and que again. If you are in a game and the points difference are too...
"preModCommentAuthorText":"This comment will be published as soon as it is approved","preModCommentModeratorText":"This comment is awaiting moderation","messageMarkedAsOther":"This post has been rejected due to other reasons","messageMarkedAsOther@board:TKB":"This article has bee...
Can somebody direct me to where I can access live chat?","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjUuMXwyLjF8aXwxMHwzOToxfGludCwxMDg5MDkzOSwxMDg5MDkzOQ","node":{"__ref":"ForumReplyMessage:message:10890939"}}],"pageInfo":{"...