Bethesda games are the easiest to mod on Xbox. Image via Bethesda. Yes, you can download mods for select games with an Xbox Series X|S, but there is a catch. Currently, the easiest way to download mods on the Xbox Series X|S is byplaying games with built-in mod marketplaces.A few...
The Great War has been created by Wolferos with the help of the Community. - Hearts-of-Iron-IV-The-Great-War/How_To_Install.txt at develop · Wolferos/Hearts-of-Iron-IV-The-Great-War
Use mods like the Hot Shot Mod,which you can get from Ava McCabeat Ward 13, to apply a damage-over-time effect onto the boss to deal damage to it as you fight the tentacles. If you need extra Relics, equip the Tear of Kaeula ring, which adds an additional two Relic healing charge...