Themkdircommand inLinux/Unixis a command-line utility that allows users to create new directories.mkdirstands for "make directory." Withmkdir, you can alsoset permissions, create multiple directories at once, and much more. This tutorial will show you how to use the mkdir command in Linux. P...
“MkDir path & mainFolderRange(i, 1).Value” –creates a new folder with the name specified in the current row of the “mainFolderRange” variable at the specified path. “For j = 0 To UBound(subfolderNames)” –starts a nested for-loop which will iterate through the elements of the...
Obviously, we can execute the cp command multiple times to achieve it, but that won’t be the most effective way. To perform such an operation effectively, we can use an alternative syntax of the cp command. So, first,create a new directorywith the namedir-1: $ mkdir dir-1 Now, let...
You've just created a new directory, confirmed that it is indeed a directory-type object with thefilecommand, entered the directory, and verified that it is empty. To create more than one directory simultaneously, specify the names of the new directories aftermkdirwith a blank space between th...
$scriptDir = (Get-ScriptDirectory) $logsDir = (Join-Path -Path $scriptDir -ChildPath "logs\") if(!(Test-Path $logsDir)){ mkdir $logsDir } $msbuildCmd = (Get-MSBuildPath) $allArgs = (Get-MSBuildCommandArgs -logsDir $logsDir) ...
To create a new directory with multiple subdirectories you only need to type the following command at the prompt and press Enter (obviously, change the directory names to what you want). mkdir -p htg/{articles,images,note,done} The-pflag tells themkdircommand to create the main directory fi...
mkdir DirectoryName You can use any name for the directory (for instance, “Hot Project” or “TPS Reports”), and you can make multiple directories with a single command: mkdir MyDirectory1 MyDirectory2 MyDirectory3 With these three simple commands—mv,cp, andmkdir—you’ll be able to co...
2. Create Multiple Directories in Linux Themkdircommand accepts multiple paths as an argument, which allows us to create multiple directories in one go. Let’s create three directories inside thedeb-distrosdirectory using the single command: ...
To create multiple directories, specify the directories’ names as the command arguments, separated by space: mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3Copy The mkdir command also allows you to create a complex directory tree with one command: mkdir -p Music/{Jazz/Blues,Folk,Disco,Rock/{Gothic,Punk,Progressive},...
Create aX:\Winflat\i386\svcpack folder. To do so, type the following command at a command prompt: mkdirX:\Winflat\i386\svcpack Copy the update packages that you want to integrate (ProductName-KBArticleNumber-Option-Language.exe ) to theX:\Winflat\i386\sv...