Mix neem oil according to label directions. Spray the mixture directly on the plant. Apply to the tops and undersides of the leaves. You may need to shake the mixture from time to time to maintain the consistency. As a bonus, use any remaining neem oil to treat your skin and hair. If...
extraterrestrial insects crawling on the surface of leaves and near the roots. They can be quite a mess for your potato plants. They are known aspotato bugs, and if you have questions hovering in your mind, like What do Potato Bugs Eat and How to Get Rid of Potato Bugs, then you are...
This article provides a great solution for those who are interested in a DIY approach to garden pest control. Whether you’re looking for a homemade neem oil recipe, curious about how to make neem oil from scratch, or in need of a neem oil spray recipe, this guide covers it all. It’...
Mix Neem Oil Neem oil is derived from the seed kernels of the neem tree and is used in the production of several commercial products, including mosquito repellents, cosmetics, lotions and soaps. Neem spray can be applied directly to affected plants. pure neem oil into a large plastic spray ...
(Read more on how to use neem oil.)Use other bugs: Beneficial insects that prey on spider mites offer natural pest control. These include lady bugs, predatory mites, lacewings and spider mite destroyers. These insects are harmless to people, pets and plants. This solution is most effective ...
How to use neem oil: Choose a clear, wind- and rain-free day. Wear protective gear (safety goggles, gloves, and a face mask). You can either purchase a neem oil spray or make one yourself with this recipe: Mix ⅓ teaspoon of mild or natural soap (likeCastile soap) into 1 quart ...
To make the foliar spray, first mix 1 teaspoon of pure castile soap per gallon of warm water. NOTE:Avoid Dawn dish soap for orchids, as this may damage the wax if you use too much. Stir 4 teaspoons of clarified neem into the mix and pour into a spray bottle. ...
Neem oil is also an all-natural pesticide. You have the option of adding 1 oz. of neem oil to your homemade pesticide. You can also sprinkle diatomaceous earth on top of the soil around your vegetables. The diatomaceous earth will pierce the skeleton of any bugs or insects that crawl on...
Mix your Neem oil or insecticidal soaps and oils in a pump sprayer for a more practical application. Try to avoid spraying on drought-stressed plants, as it can worsen their condition. Encourage Beneficial Insects Parasitic wasps, lacewings, ladybugs, and other predators can keep scale insects un...
If you see tiny, wormy little bugs, dark winged insects or bronzed discoloration on the leaves, you may have thrips. Learn how to get rid of them!