Results for other specs will be very mixed and you should stick to using other stat tools for them. Want to read more about stats? Resto Druid: Holy Priest: Mistweaver Monk:
Guides from Other Classes Augmentation Evoker Guide Elemental Shaman Guide Windwalker Monk Guide Mistweaver Monk Guide
The ability changes depending on what kind of monk players are using, with cooldown resets happening to Essence Font for Mistweaver Monks, Keg Smash to Brewmaster Monks, and Rising Sun Kick for Windwalker Monks. However, eachShadownlandsCovenant offers monk-specific class benefits, so it's really...
Monk Brewmaster Weapon: Fu Zan, the Wanderer’s Companion (Two Hand)Hidden Appearance: Ancient BrewkeeperHidden Effect: UnknownUnlocked By: Legend of the Monkey King Mistweaver Weapon: Sheilun, Staff of the Mists (Two Hand)Hidden Appearance: Breath of the Undying SerpentHidden Effect: UnknownUnloc...
<How Long On Brez> is a guild born in the Battle for Azeroth, we strive for AotC each raid tier and head into Mythic when we feel ready. Currently interested in adding new members for Shadowlands. The guild does not sto…
Kill Command. Not doing this can cause your pet to run off your current target after you have cast Kill Command on it or similar, causing it to run aimlessly between targets, losing attacks and therefore damage. Macroing other pet abilities likepetpassive(which will cause your pet to teleport...