i clean mine every 5 days on average, first i do wheel arches inside, then tires and rims, 2 bucket method bodywork, using diffrent spunges for arches wheels rims and 2 for bodywork... i need 1.5 hours to do whole car, not including the inside. in the end of this month i have ce...
All the very best to you as you step out towards a new horizon. Yes, you will be missed, but your new horizon will stretch out as far as your wish. Reply Trudy on August 6, 2022 1:14 pm My heart aches. Your dad was incredibly inspiring, and I cried when I first heard of ...
Please note: the solutions below apply to a Mac that is still operational when it heats up. If your MacBook Pro shuts down due to overheating and won’t turn on, wait for a couple of minutes until it cools off and then restart the machine. 1. Your Mac’s Got Malware Yes, Macs can...
So in their heads they decided they were too smart for the world, and the world would see they were right when everyone had to go vegetarian, not to starve. Only, you know? Turns out the population bomb was a fizzle. And the need for vegetarianism never became a thing. So now they...
Martyrdom is the nemesis of Hittite catapults and other Civ's Armored Elephants. Egyptian still get a kick out of that, since they don't have a lot of use for the gold, but can mine it damn fast. Just 3 days ago I entered a game where I was Egyptian. I was using (can you guess...
A commit is a collection of changes that you make; I’ve heard it described as saving your progress in a game. There are many opinions on how commits should be structured: mine is that you should create a commit when you’ve achieved one thing, and if you were to remove the commit,...
Examples include how population growth affects natural resource use, the extent to which the extraction of resources results in short term income creation, and, consequently, how the declining quality of the environment is impacted by socioeconomic activity, trade-offs that lead to reduced income ...
Any opposing civilization that attacks from across a river has its attack power slashed by 50%. It is also a good strategy to settle directly next to a barbarian village, as they give you a free militia and there is a valuable resource tile underneath them. Avoid: Likewise you should ...
Want to learn how to play Civilization VI? Civ 6 is significantly different from other games in the series, featuring many new mechanics and styles of play. The scale of the game is enormous, but don't let the complexity scare you away!...
How to Build a Sky, 2022 Acrylic on canvas 79.5 x 109.5 inches, installed by Sara Genn (b.1972) When my Dad was writing these letters, he would often mention that I should join him in his joyful, altruistic and ultra-stimulating endeavour. “I am not a senior artist,” I protested....