To merge or flatten an array of arrays, use the “flat()” method, the “concat()” method with the “apply()” method, or the “reduce()” method. All methods perform well, you can select any of these for merging or flattening arrays. This article illustrated the methods for flatteni...
) introduced in JavaScript ES6 to merge two or more arrays, as demonstrated in the following example:ExampleTry this code » // Sample arrays var array1 = ["a", "b", "c"]; var array2 = [1, 2, 3]; // Concatenating the arrays var result = [...array1, ...array2]; console...
To merge two or more arrays together in JavaScript, you can use theArray.prototype.push.apply() Let’s say we have two fruit baskets, and we want all the fruits in one basket. Not a problem. ES5 varfruitBasketOne=["apple","banana","grapes"]varfruitBasketTwo=["orange","apricot","pe...
In vanilla JavaScript, there are multiple ways to combine all elements of two arrays and returns a new array. You can either use the Array.concat() method or the spread operator (...) to merge multiple arrays. The Array.concat() takes in one or more arrays as input and merges all ...
JavaScript Merge Arrays Using Array.concat Function in ECMAScript 5Merging using the Array.concat is used to concatenate the contents the input array ( arrayB ) to the contents of the source array ( arrayA ).arrayC = arrayA.concat(arrayB); console.log(arrayC); ...
Back in January, I wrote an article merging arrays and objects with JavaScript. At the end, I wrote… Tomorrow, we’ll take a look at how to deep merge objects and arrays. And then I never did! Today, we’re going to circle back and cover how to deep m
Read this tutorial and find useful information about the simplest methods that are used for merging two arrays and removing duplicate items in JavaScript.
To combine the two arrays into a single array, we can use the es6 spread(…) operator in JavaScript. Here is an example: const num1 = [1, 2]; const num2 = [3, 4]; console.log([...num1,...num2]); Output: [1, 2, 3, 4] Note: The spread(…) operator unpacks the iter...
In this code we first pre-coded the two JSON array and display it into the HTML page usingJSON.stringify(). After that we create a method that will merge the arrays by closing the two JSON array with bracket into a new variable. This will force the two arrays to be compress and appen...
Find out how to merge two or more arrays using JavaScriptSuppose you have two arrays:const first = ['one', 'two'] const second = ['three', 'four'] and you want to merge them into one single arrayHow can you do so?The modern way is to use the destructuring operator, to create a...