Utilize the UAN Portal:The Universal Account Number (UAN) is a unique identifier that links all your EPF accounts under one roof. If your UAN is activated and linked to your PF account, you can log in to the EPFO member portal (https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/) and access y...
The same message you will get for Form 10C/Form 31 also. Both the PF amount and pension amounts will be credited to your bank account within 2-3 hours gap. In general, the maximum time for NEFT payment is 1 to 24 hours, But in EPFO case it is taking more than 2-3 days. What ...
Tagently to your use case, but of maybe useful context, it's trying to install apache-airflow[all] using a different tool that led me down this rabbit hole of pre-releases: prefix-dev/rip#74 (comment) Very tangently to that one... The all extra for airflow has been long time brok...
If you have a question regarding your PF withdrawal, or transfer or updation of details, or complaint against EPF, your employer then you can use EPF grievance website to lodge a complaint. To lodge the complaint you must have yourEPF UAN number. This has been made mandatory from 1 January...
Now that I talk about performance (and be more a DBA), I like to talk about architecture. I like TVP for another reason. Sometimes I am a bit too neat on the architecture and TVP helps me being neater again. As I like to enforce a filegroup different of primary on all my tables, ...
I recently took over a database that has a partition_scheme and partition function applied to a table. When I look at the table and it's indexes I cannot find where (on what column) the function is being applied. In addittion I cannot find the text of the partition function (it's ...
If I’m working since last many years (more than 5) but in different organisations however with same UAN number, but in my last company I have served only for 1.5 yr. Do i still need to fill 15G form to withdraw PF? Reply
I recently took over a database that has a partition_scheme and partition function applied to a table. When I look at the table and it's indexes I cannot find where (on what column) the function is being applied. In addittion I cannot find the text of the partition function (it's ...
You'll need to merge and split if you want to make this consistent with the other partitions. Note that this will require data movement if you have data for 201101 so you might want to do this during offline maintenance. Below is a script that will correct these issues....