Last commit date Latest commit arindamxd Merge pull request#16from arindamxd/development May 5, 2024 7f8ca53·May 5, 2024 History 75 Commits app gradle/wrapper .gitignore LICENSE build.gradle
First of all, define what Major Problem that your app is going to solve, then define secondary problems too. Figure out what is not already in the market that your app can fill with i.e Do an App Gap Analysis. Brainstorm about the main objective your app is going to serve. Will the...
git clone cd android-custom-lint-rules Run The Sample Run the :app:lint target to have first the custom lint checks in checks/ compiled, then wrapped into the library, and finally run lint on a sample app module which has vio...
.updateContainerJob: image: docker:stable stage: environment services: - docker:dind script: - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG || true - docker build --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_...
Records are easier to merge from different tables or databases. IDs values can integrate better with an application's logic.When a string ID value is not set on an inserted record, the Mobile App backend generates a unique value for the ID. You can use the Guid.NewGuid method to gene...
HOW TO BUILD CYANOGENMOD 11 ROM FOR HTC REZOUND (VIGOR) CM-11.0 was recently released and is still in beta; however, it's never too late to start. Anyone...
The weak function pointers used to implement entrypoint tables occasionally break in strange ways depending on link order. The solution is to ensure that anything which pulls in intermediate libraries which contain Vulkan entrypoints is linked withlink_whole, unless you're using the Visual Studio ...
post-commit post-merge pre-push Also a directorymygitlfsplanet/.git/lfsis added which is the local cache we have been talking about. Configuration Now that we have installed Git LFS for our repository, it is time to configure which file types we want to associate with Git LFS. This infor...
In the GitLive tab you’ll see all the authors of branches currently ahead of your default branch, the last commit to a branch determines who it will appear under. Drill down into an individual author’s branches to see the files changed and inspect diffs plus view the associated issue or...
/commit:apphost In case you want to operate in a more general way, you canset this new value as a default setting for all websiteswith the followingPowerShellcommand: PowerShell 1 Set-WebConfigurationProperty-pspath'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'-filter"system.webserver/serverruntime"-name"uploadrea...