I understand the importance of being able to merge your bank accounts under one company. I'm here to ensure that this concern will be resolved and make the process as seamless as possible. We can take the following steps to better organize your accounts under that company. Here'...
etc - they *might* work for a little while but will stop again soon. Best solution I've found is to export as .qfx, open in Notebook and override Intuit Bank ID with another bank's ID and then save as .qbo to import.
Making sure that the account mapping from Houzz Pro to your QuickBooks Online account is one of the most important first steps in setting up the integration. After yousync with QuickBooks Online,map your accounts in Houzz Pro to QuickBooks Online in the Settings tab of the QuickBooks Online int...
They can't find the charges in their system. I had to block them from removing anymore money from my account. Cheer Reply LisaJ22 Level 2 July 02, 2023 10:05 AM It despicable that you cannot even download a .qbo file onto your deskt...
QuickBooks ensures that you can still restore the bank information in case you need it for future transactions. This is why it will only give you the option to inactivate it. If this a duplicate account, you have the option to merge your accounts to crea...
In one of my situation, QBO erroneously added a disputed payment message to a payment, even though the client did not dispute it. Another customer had an NSF that day, and QBO flagged all payments received with the same "disputed payment" message. Fo...
Click theGearicon in the upper-right corner. Select Chart of Accounts. Search for the account. Press theAccount historyoption under theActioncolumn. Look for the voucher. HitEdit. ClickPrintat the bottom. Since you're new to QuickBooks Online, I recommend trying our free 30-Day Trial to nav...
First Horizon is the WORST when it comes to QB bank sync. I have spent hours and hours trying to get it to work. I have multiple clients using multiple versions of QBD & QBO. Don't waste your time on the 'solutions' provided by Intuit ...
They can't find the charges in their system. I had to block them from removing anymore money from my account. Cheer Reply LisaJ22 Level 2 July 02, 2023 10:05 AM It despicable that you cannot even download a .qbo file onto y...
They can't find the charges in their system. I had to block them from removing anymore money from my account. Cheer Reply LisaJ22 Level 2 July 02, 2023 10:05 AM It despicable that you cannot even download a .qbo file onto y...