I feel both mentally and physically best on a low carb/sugar diet + fasting for 16-18 hours.. Only lift weights 1-2 times a week for 30min and I got a light 6 pack. Generally I stop eating around 5pm and don't eat again until 10am sometimes even 12pm. And always remember every...
Are you sick and tired of carrying around that extra weight that is dragging you down physically, emotionally and even mentally? Are you tired of the difficulties those extra pounds force you to deal with everyday? Would you like to regain the shape, energy and vitality of your youth? If ...
I 16 B And that starts with your mindset and becoming healthier and stronger physically and mentally at the same time. oDevelop a healthy attitude towards yourself. Accept yourself as the unique individual you are today. Focus on your own journey, rather than waste time comparing yourself to ...
It's easy for an acute injury to turn into chronic pain that can be difficult to cope with. Yoga can help reduce pain physically, mentally and emotionally. Jake PanasevichJune 27, 2024 Female Athlete Triad and RED-S Unexplained fatigue, injury, illlness and more could be due to relative ...
Learn to love it. Switch it up with different home workouts (you can stream a ton now days), bike rides, runs, etc. Take out all your built up angst and bullshit on the workout. You'll feel way better physically and mentally. Otherwise, you'll see a lot that you should consume ...
It's easy for an acute injury to turn into chronic pain that can be difficult to cope with. Yoga can help reduce pain physically, mentally and emotionally. Jake PanasevichJune 27, 2024 Female Athlete Triad and RED-S Unexplained fatigue, injury, illlness and more could be due to relative ...
Your weight loss journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Aim for small, regular progress. It's healthier and more sustainable. After all, it took a long time to get where you are. It will be difficult at first and you will struggle both mentally and physically. Give it time and it gets...
Emotional baggage is heavy. It weighs us down mentally, energetically and physically. This is the weight we really need to lose.
2. Mentally Tough People Embrace Change Let’s be real ... Change is hard. If you’re overweight and out of shape ... it’s going to be hard to consistently follow a nutrition plan, exercise, and lose weight. Change is uncomfortable and challenging... ...
Oftentimes, people are overeating because of something they feel emotionally or mentally. If this is the case, you can break these cycles and patterns by working through personal obstacles or seeking professional help from a dietitian and/or therapist. ...