How To Memorize The Bible Scriptures Easily and QuicklySimon Kennard
In the Supreme Memory Book you will discover:That's just a small sampling of what you'll find in the 60 pages information rich book. It gives you the exact road map you need to easily memorize scripture and recall it on demand. And to make it even easier for you to learn how to...
This is Don O. from Memory Delight. We now have over 170,000 subscribers to Memory Delight from across the globe. God has truly blessed us to be able to reach that many Christians and non-Christians alike. But you want to know something funny? I am NOT a born evangelist, and spreading...
are especially vulnerable to fear. Their greatest comfort is seeing the shepherd, but sometimes it's difficult to rest in his protection, says Juliet, 11: "This means to me that he is with you always. I know that he is there, but sometimes I fear, and I know I shouldn't." ...
dawn on me that I more resembled the fool than the wise man. Ouch… I was the fool. But until we come to grips with reality, change for the better will not likely occur. Part of that realization was that laziness was not only occasionally embarrassing, it was harmful and therefore ...
If the answer is YES to any of these four feelings, you need to H.A.L.T. and make some adjustments as soon as possible. Remember that you CAN’T change your past, but you CAN find your destiny! Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:...
Scripture reading/Quoting the Holy Scriptures Reading and quoting the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures, particularly Jesus' words in the Gospels, is especially powerful against the demonic. We can recall that Jesus Himself quoted the Scriptures three times when He was tempted by the devil in ...