In this Skyrim romance guide, we'll be detailing how to marry Serana, your vampire companion through the Dawnguard expansion. However, you can't marry Serana...
Below, you can find a list ofall Skyrim companions, where to find them, and the requirements you must meet to recruit them as your new pal. There are almost one hundred followers, so strap in – this is a long one. Some required quests below involve decisions. It should go without say...
RELATED:Skyrim: How To Find And Beat The Ebony Warrior Rieklings are an enemy type that you can encounter on Solstheim; however, there's also a group of these creatures that you can recruit as followers to help you during combat. The following guide will tell you everything you need to ...
Finally, to make Bishop a more believable part of the story, we spliced some of Serana's dialogue and created short conversations between her and Bishop to trigger throughout the story. DAWNGUARD Because Skyrim is an open world experience, the Dragonborn can come upon the questline by hearing...