You may not be able to get your hands on the actual jacket but there is an exact replica that you can get. This rare item can be obtained during Chippin’ In quest in Cyberpunk 2077. During the mission,Roguewill call you for a meet-up at the Afterlife bar where she will gift you ...
On this page of the guide to the game Cyberpunk 2077 you will find information on how to use services of sexworkers. This is alternative to romance, but you've gotta pay. Where to find Joytoys? Dolls Where to find Joytoys? Prostitutes (also called sexworkers or Joytoys) are marked on...
Crafting Spec: ArchangelUnlock the Rare version automatically by receiving it from Kerry at the conclusion of “A Like Supreme.” Crafting Spec: Ba Xing ChongFound in Adam Smasher’s vault after entering the elevator to Embers during “Nocturne OP55N1.” ...