Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism have especially strong traditions of meditation, but meditating is found in all the world's major religions.To some people, the word "meditation" immediately calls up "Transcendental Meditation," sometimes referred to as "TM," introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi...
Getting Into Position To Meditate Determining an appropriate position for meditation can set the stage properly. You really don’t have to choose one specific way to do it, but getting your body into a different position from the norm can help you to focus your mind in a more effective way...
Don't miss the free "Learn How to Meditate in 5 Days" course If you are new to meditation, this course spread over 5 days will teach you the technique that I have personally found to be the most effective way to meditate on a regular basis. When you master this technique - and it'...
A Guy Wore My Underwear During Sex 25 Tips and Tricks on How to Get Wet During Sex Behold: The Straightest Gay Blow Job Ever Given The Time I F*cked a Man Like a Woman I Rang in 29 With a Sapphic Birthday Gangbang I Hooked Up With My Favorite Comedian ...
How to Meditate Cultivating the habit of meditation can have a profound impact on your life. However, meditation requires time and patience. Learning to meditate can be a little bit challenging, especially in the beginning. It’s definitely not always going to be easy, but if you practice dai...
Nearly every religion, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, has a tradition of using meditative practices.via GIPHY There are many ways to meditate. One can sit in silence. One can sit with music. One can stand. One can walk. Literally as many people as there are...
I set a timer to avoid peeking, and to minimize agitation. You can challenge yourself to go on for longer, and you shouldn’t give up too easily — but remember, this isn’t a duty or obligation. When setting up to meditate, you’ll want to make sure that you’re doing it in an...
In Hinduism and Buddhism, the seven chakras in the body are believed to be vital to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Derived from the Sanskrit word for “wheel,” chakras are imagined as spinning wheels of energy located along the spine. These chakras are thought to control vari...
Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian meditation practice, yoga techniques, kundalini awakening, japa and mantra practice... they're all covered. New Age fads that aren't genuine cultivation teachings are ignored. To get this newsletter, just fill in the box and click the ">> Start the Sharin...
Sexual energy is something to revere and consciously cultivate. You can’t just leave it to chance. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is meditate. I want to connect to myself, to every ounce of spiritual energy, heart energy, and erotic energy in me. I do this be...