SWING MAN GOLF ALL-ACCESS If you are looking to lower your handicap potential with more distance and drives that are crushed, you’ve come to the right place. With a little bit of effort on your part it’s quite easy to pick up 12-16 mph (about 30-40 yards) of driver swing speed...
If you lift your lead heel during the golf swing and drag your trail foot excessively on the downswing or after impact, you compromise your ability to create clubhead speed efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, this lower body action hampers your ability to remain level during the swing, wh...
Although the optimum method to measure golf club speed is through using technology at a golf training or practice facility, many golfers do not have the access or money to have their club speed measured. If you need to purchase new golf clubs or other related equipment, however, you can est...
Making sure you're matched to the right golf club size is important. Golf Expert Bill S. breaks down key considerations for how to measure golf club length.
The average golf swing speed is around 80 miles per hour, but professionals hit well over 100 while amateur golfers [Tips] 19,814 views 11 comments You Can Get To 100 MPH CLUBHEAD SPEED Clubhead speed is vital if you want to play better golf. I am here to tell you that you can...
Also called “flex," it's the amount a shaft will bend when it is swung. There are five grades of flex from which to choose, and the easiest way to select the right one is to find out how long your drives fly, an indication of your swing speed. The five grades of shafts are lad...
If you want to know how to increase your driver swing speed and driver carry distance, you can get some tips from world-long drive champion Kyle Berkshire in the video below… Ball speed Ball speed is a measure of how fast your ball leaves the club head after impact. A mis-hit off th...
Read full bio Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Running Tips The Best Treadmill Workouts How to Optimize Your Arm Swing How to Go From 3.1 to 13.1 Miles Why Run Longer Than the Race Distance in Training
This could make selling your home easier, so you might as well do what makes you both happy today and swing for the fences. “Almost more important than the response to pet-friendly features is that the stigma of pet ownership has subsided in recent years,” says Quinlan. “Sure, there...
Learn the ONE Drill that's making golfers more consistent than ever before! Need a true fundamentals based approach to the golf swing? See a free video now!