It’s quite common for modern staircases to only have one railing. This design strategy helps to keep their design simple and in tone with the minimalism of the decor which surrounds them. A nice example is the staircase designed by NA3 Studio di Architettura. When the staircase has two rai...
1. Measure your Staircase Railing You will want to purchase enough garland to extend the length of your staircase, and then some. Decide if you’re going to have the garland swoop or cascade down the starting newel post. Then you’ll need to add 1-2 feet for each swoop and some extr...
Every day we cross bridges, hold on to stair railings, lean over balustrades, and rely on the same thing when doing so: support and safety. These properties can only be achieved through flawless, high-quality weld seams produced by qualified manual welders. We are talking about a profession...
DIY Stair Slide If you’re looking to update your stairs, there are many ways you can do that: take up the carpet, install a carpeted stair runner, paint, restain, replace the railing, build a new banister/newel post, add fabric to the risers, plus more ideas here. But if you’re...
Measure out 7-1/4 inches from the corner of the square. Measure out from the side 10 inches (the depth of the steps). Trace along the edge of the square to mark the cut line for the stringer. Note: You will not need a riser for the top step as it is attached to the porch fra...
Install stair railings similarly, but because they’re angled, take additional care in measuring, cutting, and fitting them. Start by anchoring the stair stringers, then install the decking material for the steps. Use mitered corners for the treads to conceal the cut ends. Next, install the ...
Step 1: Measure the Total Rise to the Deck Landing First, measure the total rise to the deck landing. The best way to get the total rise is to decide roughly where you want the stairs to end, keeping in mind that the stair angle should be around 40 degrees. Then, take a straight ...
Porch columns are cut to length Porch posts are cut to length to accept porch railingsStair Construction While the decking was being completed and the 6x6 inch columns were being secured, stair construction had begun. Three stringers were cut an attached to the rim board. Stair...
We would like to convert our stairway railing to cast iron balusters with wood rail and a nice eye catching newel. The current design is more suited for an outside deck. My challenge is how to tie the stair railing and the horizontal railing into a singl
You must be careful about how to build stairs deck to offer the comfort of people. These are ways of building the stairs deck.