The serpentine belt in a 2001 Toyota Highlander runs a variety of components within the engine as well as the engine itself. The belt routes through the water pump, the alternator, the power steering pump and the air conditioner compressor along with the crankshaft for the engine. The belt a...
The serpentine belt on a 1993 Chevy is a ribbed belt that drives several of the engine's peripheral devices, such as the air-conditioning compressor, the alternator, and the separate pumps for power steering and coolant. Replacing the serpentine belt can be difficult for those new to do-it-...
The function of the ABS sensor is to measure the rotational speed of the wheel. There are four ABS sensors in a car; one at each wheel. n technical literature the ABS sensor is known as Wheel Speed Sensor or WSS. Air fuel ratio sensor ...
However, it’s important to note that this is not a long-term solution or a substitute for addressing the underlying cause of the engine overheating. It’s a useful measure to prevent further overheating in an emergency situation, but you should still pull over, turn off the engine, and al...
Since sticking brakes cause overheating, the easiest method is to measure the temperature of the brake rotors with an infrared thermometer after a test drive. If you do not have the instrument, you can splash some water onto the rotors. If the water sizzles and evaporates instantly on contact...
(’98.5 on through the ’18 6.7L), that interval stretches out to 150,000 miles, or any time valvetrain components and injectors are removed for other repairs. For Duramax engines, the general consensus is to measure things at 100,000 miles and adjust if necessary (note that GM does not...
Measure voltage at alternator output terminal again. Should show approx. 14V. If not, regulator may be faulty. Turn off all loads. Then turn on load bank connected to battery positive terminal. Gradually increase load resistance while observing amp output. Output should increase to meet demand. ...
center. You’ll want the straight-edge to be able to extend to both the water pump and alternator pulleys. Once clamped to the crank pulley, you can simply measure the offsetfrom the straight-edgeto thevery edge of the beltor to apulley groove center.The measurement should match at both...
Always try to measure the actual battery terminal voltage, using an accurate DVM, when top balancing. Once you Set the Voltage, Don’t touch it!! Please don’t adjust your power supply voltage while it is under load. Again, this is because because there will be voltage drop between the ...
the metal framing for a hospital bathroom pod. The 3D image snaps into place, staying affixed to the floor and ceiling as he moves around it. Without the aid of a tape measure or layout laser, the worker begins assembling the framing, matching the pieces to their ghostly hologram outlines ...