To measure the inductance of a device, intrinsic inductance of a circuit or more widespread distributed inductance, an LCR meter is the instrument of choice. It subjects the device under test (suitably discharged and isolated from any ambient circuitry that could energize it or create irrelevant pa...
To measure the inductance ofone side of the winding, connect the LCR meter to the center pin and one of the outer pins. To measure the inductance across thefull winding, connect the LCR meter to the two outer pins, bypassing the center pin. Step 5: LCR Meter Settings for the Output Wi...
The traditional method of measuring current is to put a current meter in a circuit and use this to measure the current flowing though it. This is the most obvious method of measuring current and it has been used for many years - it is the way in which multimeters are designed ...
Use an LCR meter to measure the phase-to-phase inductance at 1 kHz across any two phase terminals LPH_PH, then divide this value by two to obtain the equivalent phase inductance, LPH= LPH_PH/ 2. Depending on the construction, some...
Product used: LCR Meter Measuring primary inductance (L1) and secondary inductance (L2) The instrument is connected to the primary and secondary sides of the transformer and used to measure primary and secondary inductance. All other windings are left in the open state during these measurements. ...
Theoretically, and implemented, there are systems on the market that candetect human body resonance using the microwave region. Instead of using microwaves, my original objective is to measure human body signals with a magnetic loop antenna using a design that is more compact using high magnetic ...
The housing also influences the PCB antenna's tuning frequency, for this reason, it is always recommended to measure the RF performance of the application in the final product configuration. 22/26 AN2972 Rev 9 AN2972 From design to production Figure 26. Impact of housing/packaging material o...
projects out thereat least one diy ESR meter
Pretty safe to apply mains frequency, at low voltage (say from a 6.3V transformer?), to most any winding, and measure the other voltages. This gets ratios. Ideally, you'd do a saturation test as well, using a current-limited source (maybe a transformer with a series resistor) and ...
1. Measure the resonance frequency, fresonance, of spikes on D1/D2 switching waveforms using an oscilloscope. 2. Measure the parasitic capacitance, CPAR, of D1/D2 switching traces using an LCR meter. 3. Using the measured fresonance and CPAR, parasitic inductance can be calculated by: ...