Measure your bike frame if you don't already know its size. The frame size is the length of the seat tube from the seat post to the center of the bottom bracket. The bottom bracket is the point where your pedals attach to the bike. Knowing your frame size narrows down your selection ...
bike fitbike for shorter people Sometimes short people seem like they are up against it when shopping for a bicycle but not willing to venture down the children’s aisle. When it comes to buying a bike, it can be a little difficult if you don’t fit the mould. Finding a well-fitting...
measure the effective top tube length. Having this number allows you to compare frames from different manufacturers and bikes built for different purposes. This is done by measuring from the center of the head tube (where the top tube joins it); horizontally back to the center of the seat po...
The first step to choosing the right size bike for kids is not to rely on age charts only. Instead, you need to measure your child’s inseam length (leg length) and height and compare those measurements to the manufacturer’s model chart. Measuring your child’s height is easy, so we ...
Another approach is to put a small dot of paint on the tire and measure the distance between the marks that the paint prints on the road. With either approach, the rider must hold the handlebars straight while an assistant balances and pushes the bike. Otherwise, the wheel may not follow ...
(Except I cut all three pieces slightly too long, requiring trimming with a chisel. It seems I’m a “measure twice, then cut twice anyway” guy.) Sanding each board, staining it, and then finishing it off with the steel wool was by far the easiest part, and it made me realize how...
When you swap cycling for running, measure your workouts in time not distance. If you run five miles in 50 minutes, for example, try to pedal for the same amount of time. Alternatively, Buckingham says that you can multiply your running distance by three to get a comparable cycling ...
How to Measure Fit *Please do not physically measure the diameter of your wheel. The resulting measurement will not correspond to your correct wheel size. To determine your wheel size look for the number immediately before the "X"* If that number is 26 then your wheel size is 26inch If ...
The last thing you should do after installing a bicycle chain is to lubricate the chain. It will protect the chain from dirt and dust, improve riding performance and prolong the lifespan of the mechanism. How to Measure the Chain Wear Chain wear, also commonly called chain stretch, is used...
The Bike Fit Calculator is a simple way to determine the best measurements for a great bike fitting. Select the type of bicycle you ride, add in a few measurements, and let the app do all the calculations for you. While using this app, a tape measure will be particularly handy. The qu...