Measure the distance between the two nails to determine the length for your new string. Measure the Bow Lay the long bow flat on the ground. Have a friend hold one end of a tape measure at the tip of the bow. Pull the tape measure to the opposite end and hold it tight. Read and ...
quarrel -short square headed bolt or arrow used in a crossbow vice-a spiral stairway [The mods note that most people trying to quarrel about kirtles in a vice trip in the poor illuminator at the bottom of the stares. Unless their vise is very tight. .mod] 0 St...
Make sure to keep the string as even as possible. For crank crossbows, attach your crank to the device if necessary, then simply turn the crank until the bow cocks.[7] 2 Load the crossbow with an arrow. After cocking the bow, place a crossbow bolt or arrow into the barrel of the...