How to measure pulse rate The pulse rate can be measured manually or by means of special devices. The pulse rate can be measured manually or by “palpation” with the fingers at all points on the body where arteries run superficially. The best-known palpation site is in the area of the ...
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that filter the blood to remove waste, leaving only nutrients needed by the body. Learn about the structure and functions of kidneys, such as cleaning up bloodborne waste products, balancing bodily fluids, and other important fu...
Blood pressure is the measure of how much blood is flowing through the artery at a given time. It is highly influenced by internal and external factors, including diet, exercise, temperature and situational excitability. Any changes can lead to health complications....
For example, according to a research study published in theJournal of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology,cellulitecan be caused byincreased levels ofcatecholaminesdue to high stress and raisedcortisol levels. Things like stress and a poor diet also cause your body toslow down production...
MEG is based on the principle that any change in the electrical activity involves a change in the magnetic field as well. Nerve cells also generate intracellular current flow from dendrites to cell body, resulting in a magnetic field that can be detected at the scalp with SQUID (super- ...
Heart Health HQ The Key Heart Tests You're Probably Not Getting What a 'Normal' Resting Heart Rate Should Be What Happens to Your Body When You're Sedentary Hunting My Father's Killer Advertisement - Continue Reading Below
Another possibility is scarring in the bone marrow leads to long-term changes in platelet formation. Like red and whiteblood cells, platelets form in bone marrow. "At 28 days after a burn, we can measure whether there's a persistent change in platelets. In mouse models, we can measure bo...
Almy describes measuring colon motility in patients as the researchers led them through discussions of unsettling life events. Almy used a latex balloon placed in the colon to measure pressure changes, which gave him an indication of muscle activity. In a constipated German housewife, for instance...
who are under the pressure of work and life can't breathe. Excessive pressure will lead to an increase in the secretion of catecholamines in the body. They will cause vasoconstriction, increase blood pressure, and increase the load on the heart, thus becoming the cause of high blood pressure...
Another possibility is scarring in the bone marrow leads to long-term changes in platelet formation. Like red and whiteblood cells, platelets form in bone marrow. "At 28 days after a burn, we can measure whether there's a persistent change in platelets. In mouse models, we can measure bo...