1. Measure the Outside Diameter (OD) of your pipe or pipe fitting: Wrap a string around the pipe Mark the point where the string touches together Use a ruler or measuring tape to find the length between the tip of the string and the mark you made (circumference) Divide the circumference...
EG: If the fitting measured 33.249mm across, it is a 1" BSP fitting and you would refer to it as a 1" BSP fitting. A 2" fitting would measure 59.614mm across the threads, it is still called a 2" BSP fitting. http-equiv="content-type" ...
To verify the thread is BSPT, you would undergo the same steps as for a parallel British thread. First, verify the number of threads per inch. Second, measure the O.D. at the 3-4th thread from the end of the fitting. You can cross-reference your measurements to the following chart in...
I suggest using the latest Linux BSP 6.1 series, As it will provide the upgraded firmware as well as drivers.It will be helpful. Please share the observation. Thanks & Regards,Sanket Parekh 0 Kudos Reply 11-22-2023 12:00 AM 3,665 Views heinzhjb Contributor V Hi Sanket P...
I've also been thinking about how to measure results of ISA changes. In a perfect world, EEMBC benchmarks would be freely available for all to use. EEMBC provides a terrific collection of benchmarks that are representative of different industries, and are all designed to build and run on ...
3.1 Problem Definitions First, we need to decide how to measure the goodness of a par- titioning. A natural goodness measure is the size of edge cut, that is, edges whose two end points are in two different partitions. In general, we want to minimize the size of edge cut. Particularly...
800 people in 12 nations to measure the relative importance of those dimensions when consumers buy products. A detailed analysis (see the sidebar “The Global Brands Study”) revealed that consumers all over the world associate global brands with three characteristics and evaluate them on those ...