We show how our recently proposed scheme for the measurement of the micromaser linewidth, which relates the phase diffusion dynamics of the cavity field to the population statistics of probe atoms, can be applied in the presence of trapping states, where the phase diffusion approximation does not...
spectrometer to measure the amount of ultraviolet and visible radiation absorbed by compounds. The amount of ultraviolet or visible radiation absorbed by a compound depends on three factors: the concentration, c, of the sample; the path length, l, of the sample holder, which determines the distan...
But how can you measure the intensity of an interaction? To measure customer effort, you need tomap the customer journeyto uncover touchpoints where they struggle and contact your customer success team. You can then deploy surveys to collect CES scores and other valuable feedback data. CES or ...
In biochemistry, the UV spectrum is typically used to measure the absorption rate of a particular substance. There are a variety of substances with significant bands of absorption in the UV. Ultraviolet light forms a part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and is created through the sun. Its spect...
How to calculate photon energy from wavelength How to calculate the spin quantum number? How to measure fluorescence quantum yield? Solar cells convert what type of energy into electrical energy? How do you calculate frequency of lowest energy absorption of complexes when given their absorption wavele...
Although both modular and stand-alone oscilloscopes are both used to acquire voltages, the instruments offer different benefits. However, the considerations discussed above are important when purchasing either instrument. Thinking ahead about application requirements, cost constraints, performance, and future...
One of the reasons for using a high-resolution oscilloscope is to measure small signals. The question is sometimes asked, why not just use a lower resolution instrument and a smaller range to “zoom in” on the signal to measure small voltages? However, many signals have both a small signal...
The Best Graduate Schools rankings in these areas are based on two types of data: expert opinion about program excellence and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school's faculty, research, and students and their post-graduate outcomes. ...
8. Measure and analyze customer feedback The best way to understand if your customer service is top-notch is to ask your customers. Use surveys to track topcustomer service metricsindividual performance and ask service agent-specificsurvey questions, such as, “How knowledgeable or unknowledgeable ...
Price volatility is often considered a common measure of risk, but a comparatively lower investment size can offset price volatility. So, although blue-chip, dividend-paying stocks may seem much less risky than small-cap growth stocks orcryptocurrencyinvestments, the actual risk may have more to ...