That soon-to-be rusted chip on your car hood, door or trunk doesn’t mean the end. This is how you can easily fix paint chips on your vehicle.
You may want to try painting a less visible blemish first to get a feel for how much paint to use and how to spread the coat evenly. 你所需要的 配件 Custom Color Car Paint Dupli‑Color Perfect Match Automotive Protective Clear Coat Wax/Grease Remover 工具 ×2 Small sized paintbrush 加盟...
在Amazon 上有售in a color that matches the original paint查看 Dupli‑Color Perfect Match Automotive Protective Clear Coat 查看更多... 当你通过这些链接购买商品时,iFixit 会赚取佣金。 步骤1 How to Fix Paint Chips or Large Scratches on a Car Wipe down the area of the paint chip or scratch...
It's a fact of life. Other people often don't treat your car's paint with much consideration. Here's how to fix a paint scratch on your car, step by step.
probably a porcelain enamel. This is not paint, but more like glass that was melted on, and you will not be able to match its quality. I'd be happy to hear from someone who has enjoyed success at this but I think it would prove to be a mistake trying to change the color that ...