Find and replace appointment subject in Outlook calendar is helpful when you find some subjects need to be replaced with same texts in mass. Or replace the word Copy in the subject field after data importing in Outlook. This article provides you with VBA code to search and replace multiple ap...
In Windows, files that have been deleted are temporarily stored in the Recycle Bin for recovery. The exception is the Shift Deleted files. Once a video is erased using Shift + Delete shortcut combination, it will no longer be visible in the Recycle Bin. In other words, it's gone forever...
1. Select the cells you will convert all html to texts, and press the Ctrl + F keys to open the Find and Replace dialog box. 2. In the Find and Replace dialog box, go to the Replace tab, enter <*> into the Find what box, keep the Replace with box empty, and click the Replace...
How to Make a Poster On WordA poster is a large-sized sheet of paper that is used for the promotion of an event, product, or idea. Generally, it contains both graphical and textual content. A poster aims to grab the attention of the mass public. A poster is designed in a way that...
There’s a lot that goes into this, and I invite you to check out this post if you’d like the full context. However, if you just want my top recommendation to get things going for you as fast as possible, then I think that Bluehost is the top choice for new bloggers in the ...
Want to send mass emails from your Gmail or Outlook inbox… and look awesome in front of the audience receiving the emails? Then this is the guide for you.
Asynchronous training -- This is e-learning in the more traditional sense of the word. It involves self-paced learning, either CD-ROM-based, Network-based, Intranet-based or Internet-based. It may include access to instructors through online bulletin boards, online discussion groups and e-mail...
Mail Merge can be a real time-saver when it comes to sending mass mailings. It lets you quickly create custom letters, emails or mailing labels in Word by merging the information you already have in your Excel spreadsheet. This tutorial provides an overview of the main features and explains...
I have for a long time been fascinated with the DIY world and tried to learn how to fix things myself. I dedicate this site to like minded people who love to find out how things work and how to fix things for themselves.
Do you feel intimidated when you think of the word “SEO”? Don’t be. To start off this post, we will cover a bunch of beginner-level link building strategies for one-man bloggers. 1. Writing Roundup Posts As a blogger, being mentioned in another website’s post feels great. ...