To map keys for the insert mode, just useiinstead ofn. For example, in insert mode,ctrl+pandctrl+nkeys are used to autocomplete the word based on backward and forward match respectively. To map thectrl+pkeys with the tab key, I will use the following command. :inoremap<Tab><C-p> Mor...
Quick note:You can remap virtually any key. For example, if the“Windows”key isn’t working, you can map it to one of the functions or extra keys available on the keyboard you typically don’t use. You can also remap to a keyboard shortcut. Click theOKbutton. Click theOKbutton again...
I'm new (color me green) to Logic Pro, iOS, MIDI, MPE, DAW synths... Ok. Ok. Pretty much everything in digital music. But I'm a pro when it comes to using Netflix! Yay. For the last week, I've been trying to figure out if I can map (keymap/split) my keyboard to play ...
SharpKeysoffers a straightforward, no-frills interface for directly writing remaps to the Windows registry, making it less flexible but very simple to use.Key Remapper, on the other hand, includes the ability to remap both keyboard keys and mouse buttons, providing a wider range of customization...
Step 6:Save the macro ,then return to the main keyboard page. Select the key on your keyboard that you want to apply the macro to, then drag and drop the chosen macro on to it. Razer How to map macros on Razer keyboards Razer also has a robust backend system for remapping keys and...
I'm new (color me green!) to Logic Pro, iOS, MIDI, MPE, Roli Seaboard, synths. Ok. Ok. Pretty much everything in digital music. But I'm a pro when it comes to using Netflix! Yay. For the last week, I've been trying to figure out if I can map (keymap/split) my keyboard...
How does the Windows key on the keyboard come in handy? The Windows key serves various functions, making it easier to navigate and control your Windows computer. Pressing the Windows key alone opens the Start menu. Combining it with other keys lets you access shortcuts, like Win + E to op...
Here's a screenshot of my registry where I've remapped Right Alt to be Insert. But who wants to edit the registry manually, right? Here's SharpKeys, where I mapped Right Alt to Insert on my Surface Pro 3 Keyboard. Then SharpKeys writes the Scancode Map key for me. Just log in ...
Here's a way to map a SecureCRT keyboard shortcut to perform a menu or toolbar function you'd normally need to use your mouse to accomplish. ChooseOptions / Configure /Edit Default Session… In theSession Options – Defaultdialog, navigate to theTerminal / Emulation / Mapped Keyscategory...
disable any key by selecting it from first dropdown and then choosing “Disable this key > vk_none” option from second dropdown. You can even change the mapping of mouse buttons to any keyboard key and vice versa. Here is a complete list of keys you can map with Karabiner-Elements app...