We all need to pass gas. We also need to poop. You’ve likely noticed that these leave your body via the same exit. Telling the difference between the two is incredibly important, especially in public. Mistakes do happen, but they're uncommon thanks to the competence of your rectum and...
When stools move into your rectum, it triggers the urge to move your bowels. When your system gets off, it may be necessary to retrain your bowels to move regularly. To retrain them, try the following: Find a regular time of day to use the toilet, preferably about 10 to 20 minutes ...
The cause of the bleeding may not be serious, but it's important for your doctor to find the source of this symptom. The digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) tract includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, and anus.Bleeding can come from one or more of these areas —...
For a dog who is still constipated, a veterinarian may administer fluids or a laxative. If your dog's constipation is extreme, then your veterinarian may prescribe a medication to activate their colon function, or your veterinarian may even manually remove impacted feces. Treating severe canine co...
Duringlabor, your perineum -- the area between yourvaginaand rectum -- may stretch and tear, which can hurt. The postpartumpainmay be worse if you get an episiotomy, when your doctor makes a small cut that widens yourvaginato help yourbabycome out. ...