I don’t think this question can be answered intellectually. We don’t have enough information to compute the best possible action. Rather, I think our bodies intuitively compute the best possible action in the form of meaning. The action that man...
Suppose you try to manifest something by visualizing it clearly in your mind. In that case, you will soon notice many good things around you. 4. The universe leaves signs as coincidences called synchronicities. When things happen at just the right time and in the right way, they can seem...
Essentially, once you can give yourself the things you wish a partner could give you, you’ll attract the love you deserve. “When we vibrate at the frequency of love, we become very attractive to others. The most attractive and beneficial thing you can do in order to manifest love is...
So I ran a poll on my IG Stories that said, “Have you ever felt confused about how to manifest?” I was shocked to see that 96% of people said yes! I felt called to clear things up, so in this post I’m sharing more information, including three do’s and don’ts of manifesti...
By doing so, you will begin to attract more good things into your life, rather than drawing those things that you do not want. To manifest your hearts desires you must be what your heart desires ~ Joy Page Focus On The Desire When trying to think positively, a lot of people have a ...
When picking a thing to manifest, ask yourself the following questions: Do I really want this, in my heart of hearts? How will I benefit from having this? When I think about having this, does it feel right? How will it be good for me and for others?
One of the ways to achieve self-love is to identify your weaknesses and work on overcoming them. To manifest a good relationship, you should also recognize your strengths and use them to build confidence. When you learn how to love yourself, you can attract someone with the same mindset, ...
How do you manifest something fast? Try not to give the universe mixed signals. That’s why I stressed how important planning is to this whole endeavor. If you want something to happen quickly, you have to lay out the plan to meet that goal. ...
There is a formula for making great-big things happen, and I’m going to share it with you. But first, I want to share a great-big thing that just happened for me and my husband,Drew. Two weeks ago Drew and I and the kids drove across country from California to Myrtle Beach,...
(46).根据“‘Manifesting’ can help people face difficult challenges. People who ‘manifest’ believe that success will come to them, and this gives them the courage to move ahead.”(“manifesting” 可以帮助人们面对困难的挑战。“manifesting” 的人相信成功会降临到他们身上,这给了他们前进的勇气。