How to manage your boss Business schools and training courses carefully avoid teaching the things people really want to know. They normally teach explicit knowledge: things like strategy, accounting and marketing. That is useful, but not useful enough. Most people succeed with know-how skills, not...
原文格式 PDF 正文语种 eng 中图分类 关键词 相似文献 外文文献 中文文献 专利 1.'Aren't Bosses Supposed to Manage You?' A Qualitative Study of Managing Your Boss and spring 机译:“老板不应该管理你吗?”定性研究老板的管理 Elizabeth T. Welsh ,Kevin E. Henderson ,Erica W. Diehn - Jo...
如可管理你的上司 How To Manage Your Boss 个 人 成 长 设 计 司)Boss (如何管理你的上HowToManageYour 主讲:陈锡富2007-01-05 1 孟子云:“诚者,天之道也” 商业伦理战略分为:外部伦理:市场上企业之间营销过程中发生的伦理关系 内部伦理:1、个人伦理修养,如何把上司当作顾客推销自己、提升自己...
How to Manage Your BossIf you think the only way to handle your manager is with a cattle prod, your career trajectory...Lynn, Matthew
软件管理沉思录:SEI的项目管理,人际沟通和团队协作要诀:how to manage your software projects, your teams, your boss, and yourself 软件管理沉思录:SEI的项目管理、人际沟通和团队协作要诀:how to manage your software projects, your teams, your boss, and yourself... WattsS.Humphrey,WilliamR.Thomas - 软...
如可管理你的上司 How To Manage Your Boss(精选)PPT文档共64页 如可管理你的上司HowToManageYourBoss(精选)46、法律有权打破平静。——马·格林47、在一千磅法律里,没有一盎司仁爱。——英国 48、法律一多,公正就少。——托·富勒49、犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处罚才能使犯罪得到偿还。——达雷尔 50...
如可的管理你的上司HowToManageYourBoss.ppt,个人成长设计 (如何管理你的上司) How To Manage Your Boss;孟子云:“诚者,天之道也”;身为下属,必有此修行, --否则你的事业必将受挫;必须先协助上司; “向上管理”学者Bob Weinstein (鲍伯.维斯登)说: “尝试了解你
How to manage your boss (and other people)doi:10.1016/S0262-4079(19)30075-2SamWongReed BusinessNew Scientist
HOW TO MANAGE YOUR BOSS.HOW TO MANAGE YOUR BOSS.No relationship at work is more important than the one you have with your boss. That person has a direct and powerful impact on the quality of your working life. It would be difficult to imagine that anyone really enjoys their job if their...