Biliary pain: how to recognise it? How to investigate? Diagnosis lithiasic cholangitis on the calculations of the VBIH of unknown liver G during the initial chirurgical movementRegent, DLaurent, VMeyerBisch, LBarbaryLefevre, CCorbyCiprian, S...
We welcome funding requests for innovative, high-impact projects that relate to at least one of our core therapeutic areas: HIV Liver Disease Hepatitis C Hepatitis B Hepatitis D Primary biliary cholangitis Oncology Hematology Solid tumors Chronic Inflammatory DiseasesPatient...
The clinical presentation of IAC is often misleading, mimicking other diseases of the biliary tract such as cholangiocarcinoma or primary and secondary sclerosing cholangitis. The HISORt criteria form the cornerstone in the diagnosis of IAC, combining histopathological (H), imaging (I), and ...
S1432How Common Is Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Patients With Primary Biliary Cholangitisdoi:10.14309/01.ajg.0000862368.27047.24Dheeksha RanginaniElizabeth E. WilliamsAndrea MladenovicRaj K. VuppalanchiWolters KluwerThe American Journal of Gastroenterology...