Call credit card issuer before leaving:Make it standard practice to alert the issuer of your travel plans and take note of the number you can call for assistance while overseas. Check-in with your credit card company to see if notifying them is necessary, and keep your contact information upd...
Setting a departmental budget can be a wise way to manage employee credit card spend. Once the budget is set, communicate what share of that budget each employee cardholder is allowed to use. This will help ensure the company credit limit is not maxed out by collective purchases across departm...
Things may get more complex if multiple employees have company credit cards. Here are a few ways to monitor employee spending: Set individual spending limits Many business credit cards, like theChase Ink®suite of business cards, allow business owners to set specific spending limits for authorized...
How to manage credit card debt A business credit card can be an invaluable resource for your company. But it is best to remember that it is only a tool and that its true value depends on how you use it. Below are four best practices for managing your business credit card: 1. Pay on...
Business cards can help manage your business and give you some additional advantages, too. No one works harder for your business than you. It's your baby, and you put in the blood, sweat and tears to make it a success. Of course, it's not just your effort that...
I have 10 credit cards, which means I have 10 different bills to pay each month. Here's how I manage them, and how I choose the best card to use to make the most out of my rewards. The author, Alexandria White, on a recent trip to Arizona that was made more affordable with the...
One of the most important things you need to manage are your bank accounts and credit cards. QuickBooks Online lets you create all sort of accounts that you can monitor within the app.
Unlike a personal card, you can request multiple cards for employees when you rely on a business card. You can (and should) also set spending limits for each employee to manage expenses. Assigning individual cards to your employees increases convenience by having the team handle certain purchases...
Credit Card Debt How to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Scams 5 management tips for credit card holders By following these five practices, you can manage your cards—no matter how many you have—and maximize their rewards and discounts. 1. Only have cards that you use Before opening a ...
A credit card is a physical card that can be used to make purchases, pay bills, or, depending on the card, withdraw cash. The simplest way to think of a credit card is as a type of short-term loan. When you open a credit card account, your credit card company gives you a setcred...