Learn about how to manage corporate credit cards by setting clear rules, expense policies, and appropriate spending limit for cardholders.
Setting a departmental budget can be a wise way to manage employee credit card spend. Once the budget is set, communicate what share of that budget each employee cardholder is allowed to use. This will help ensure the company credit limit is not maxed out by collective purchases across departm...
Things may get more complex if multiple employees have company credit cards. Here are a few ways to monitor employee spending: Set individual spending limits Many business credit cards, like theChase Ink®suite of business cards, allow business owners to set specific spending limits for authorized...
How to manage credit card debt A business credit card can be an invaluable resource for your company. But it is best to remember that it is only a tool and that its true value depends on how you use it. Below are four best practices for managing your business credit card: 1. Pay on...
I have 10 credit cards, which means I have 10 different bills to pay each month. Here's how I manage them, and how I choose the best card to use to make the most out of my rewards. The author, Alexandria White, on a recent trip to Arizona that was made more affordable with the...
Unlike a personal card, you can request multiple cards for employees when you rely on a business card. You can (and should) also set spending limits for each employee to manage expenses. Assigning individual cards to your employees increases convenience by having the team handle certain purchases...
Managing credit, debit cards, and cash for conversion in Europe is crucial for non-EU travelers. The dollar is no longer down and your hopes are up as you plan your trip to Europe. Here’s the latest on how to change and manage your money wisely while you're traveling. ...
How to Use Credit Cards as the Ultimate Budget Tracking Tool Credit cards offer built-in benefits that can help you budget and manage your cash flow. Although it’s easy to swipe and go, credit card companies provide you with a report of every purchase you’ve made tha...
How to Handle a False HR Claim The Negative Effects of Workplace... What Does Misuse of a Credit Card... How to Give a Verbal Warning How Should a Company Terminate... Can a Company Make Applicants Pay... How to Handle an Insubordinate... Manage Your Business How to Addres...
When used wisely, your first credit card can set you up for a strong financial future. Anyone who lends you money throughout your life — whether it's a credit card company or someone giving you a loan — wants to see that you know how to handle ...