This allows developers to concentrate on coding their app’s features, without needing extensive knowledge on how to deploy a backend in the cloud. From a single interface, developers can easily manage and monitor their applications, databases, storage, and other resources. BaaS platforms are design...
You can delete these deployments using the "delete" button that shows next to all failed data partition deployments. This deletion cleans up any records created in the backend. Once the failed partition gets deleted, you can retry creating a new partition. OSDU™ is a trademark of The Open...
Next, let’s configure the Kong Kubernetes Ingress Controller to listen for HTTP requests to the root / path, then map those requests to port 80 of our K8s Service (which maps that request to port 80 of the NGINX server container). We’ll create a file called http-ingress.yml: apiVersi...
Manage Inventory Open Store Latest More Profitability Payments & Checkout Merchandising & Store Layout Store Management Marketing See All topics Search Type something you're looking for Log in Start free trial Get exclusive behind-the-scenes merchant stories, industry trends, and tips for creating sta...
If yourWordPress websiteoffers free downloads, you may think you don’t need to manage or control them. However, it’s still best practice to track file downloads. This lets you discover which of your free downloads are the most popular and where to invest your resources when creating new...
You’ll notice that the description of the “Admin” privilege is displayed to the left of the UI. Click the blue “Add” button. We also want to assign “read-only” permissions to the other three image repositories. Now do the same for the backend engineering team. Assign the “backend...
When you use Application Configuration Service for Tanzu with a Git backend, you must bind the app to Application Configuration Service for Tanzu. After binding the app, you'll need to configure which pattern is used by the app. Use the following steps to bind and configure the ...
Both data warehouses and data lakes play crucial roles in a data pipeline, providing the necessary infrastructure to store and manage data efficiently. They ensure that data is preserved with durability, protected with robust security measures, and scaled to meet the growing demands of modern data...
If you plan to use Django’smanage.pymigratecommand to automatically create database tables for your models (after first installing Django and creating a project), you’ll need to ensure that Django has permission to create and alter tables in the database you’re using; if you plan to man...