LEARN HOW TO FREESTYLE RAP FAST SONGWRITING VIDEO COURSE You can’t compare your mistakes that you make while freestyling to that of a multi pre-recorded written verse of an artist like Eminem. Don’t set the bar for comparison too high. The only comparisons you should be making are the...
You’ll not only need to be confident on stage as professional rap artist. You’re also going to need to be entertaining enough that the fans will continue cheering you on even until the end of the show. Hearing the crowd shout your name is a major confidence boost. ...
Looping originated with tape experiments in the 50s. It’s called looping because back then the two ends of a section of analog tape would spliced together to form a literal closed loop. It’s called looping because back then the two ends of a section of analog tape would spliced together ...
Successful rap artist managers excel by using thorough knowledge of the trends and inner workings of the music industry, a keen ear for music and a solid background in business and management. While it is possible to hone these skills independently, your best bet is to enroll in an undergradu...
GADGETS AND GIZMOS: HOW TO BE A RAP ARTIST; Now You Can REALLY Be IrritatingByline: Piers TownleyDaily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Before Metro became a top-end producer, he was a 17-year-old beatmaker with hopes one of his beats would fall into the hands of a mainstream artist. One faithful email to Brick Squad rapper OJ da Juiceman got him an invite to his Atlanta studio. With permission from his late mother Le...
Before Metro became a top-end producer, he was a 17-year-old beatmaker with hopes one of his beats would fall into the hands of a mainstream artist. One faithful email to Brick Squad rapper OJ da Juiceman got him an invite to his Atlanta studio. With permission from his late mother Le...
Looking for the best Karaoke songs to sing for beginners? Well you're in the right place! Practically every artist wants to learn a song or two by their favorite band or singer. Disappointingly, some of these songs are incredibly hard to emulate and if you don’t do them justice on stag...
Kendrick Lamar, a 17-time GRAMMYⓇAward-winning rap artist, will be headlining the 2025 Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show. Lamar is not only one of the most influential and critically acclaimed rappers of his generation, but he’s known for his creative and electrifying live performances,...
You really manage to transmit your love for art to the reader: you would make even someone who is totally uninterested in art eager to know more and to learn, let alone people like me, who already love art and always want to learn more! Thank you for this course and for encouraging th...