We need to think of focus as something that can be learned rather than something that is innate to us.我们需要把专注看作是可以学习的东西,而不是我们与生俱来的东西。The way I think about this is: do I struggle to focus when it comes to playing video games?我的想法是:当我玩电子游戏时...
pick up some noise-canceling headphones and turn on astudy playlist(preferably instrumental) or white noise. Create the best possible environment for studyingbeforeyou open your books so that you don't have to pause mid-session to make a change. ...
You should take care of everything outside of studying before you sit down to focus. If not, you’ll just end up getting up repeatedly.Make a schedule. Aim to work for 30-60 minute periods with 5-10 minute breaks in between. It is a lot easier to push yourself for a set period o...
As well as creating a study schedule, it’s also important to create a study ‘ritual’ that helps get your mind into the flow and focus of studying. A good place to start is to create a pre-study ritual, such as setting up your desk space, going for a brief walk around the block...
2. Make a study timetable 3. Learn to say no 4. Stay focused on your priorities Focus Try these simple yoga practices for students A few months after arriving in Australia to start my Masters, I was met with my first tough challenge. I’d already got a student job and the burden ...
By turning studying into a game, you stop thinking about the end result and focus on winning your little game instead. And that is way more fun than stressing about learning everything. One easy way to turn your studying into a game is to quiz your study partners. Create flashcards, ...
2 After studying for and hour grab a bite or take a walk in the yard for 5 minutes. 3.This is the most important aspect of concentration. Unless you like what you are doing, it is not possible to focus on that task. So you have to take interest in what you are studying. You ...
Unless you have a strong desire to learn the information or develop a skill, it can be hard to focus all of your attention. Here are some of the best tricks that help you increase your focus on studying. 1.Chose a right spot. And, in order to concentrate, you must remove the things...
Find out how to focus on studying and enhance your productivity. Learn how to avoid distractions and you'll get more done in less time.
And specifically, I wanna focus in on three main fears that I think all students have when exams are around the corner.具体来说,我想重点谈谈考试临近时所有学生都会面临的三大恐惧。Number one: the Fear of the Unknown.第一:对未知的恐惧。Number two: the Fear of Inadequacy, the feeling that ...