If your New Year's resolution is to improve your handwriting, we've got handy tips to get your writing back on track.假如你的新年愿望是提高书写水平,这里的实用小技巧,可以让你的书写重现光彩。Quick Tips.小贴士。A few tweaks to your natural style can make it easier to read your handwriting...
A book like this is excellent to help you improve your Chinese handwriting. It gives you the opportunity to practice writing Chinese characters using tracing paper; in fact, Chinese schoolchildren use these kinds of books for this very purpose. In addition to learning to write characters in a ...
If you are intent on using your iPad to take notes, you should take advantage of digital stickers. These creative, downloadable snippets of artwork allow you to brighten up your notes. Even better, they also act as a cue for visual learners, who make up over 50% of the population. You...
if you’ve taken a bit of care with your handwriting. I found that zooming in, using a medium thickness pen and writing in caps made for more successful searches, but I suspect that mostly because those actions force me to slow down with the writing a little more, meaning neater letters...
There are 3 main things that will make a difference to the way your handwriting looks and feels on the Surface: Support for haptic feedback. Haptic feedback are essentially little vibrations that mimic the response or friction that you get with physical paper. Pressure sensitivity. This affec...
Well. Regularly spaced dots can be used to keep handwriting on an even keel, add structure to a table or checkbox layout, or give you the backbone of a diagram. But they don’t make so much of an impact that they get in the way of drawings or make your page look cluttered. ...
This sounds amazing in theory, but in practice, I've found it's not particularly reliable. If your photo isn't up to par, or (more commonly) if your handwriting isn't legible enough, then Evernote will not be able to scan the images of your index for text. ...
7) Writing in italics is FUN and somehow my handwriting looks prettier and neater! 8) It’s easier to write in the backs of school journals (especially Physics journals XD) and look inconspicious (sp?) ^_^ThaMidnightMarauder^_^ Celeste ...
Pasting this piece of code directly in the header.php may not really do the trick. And making changes in the parent theme’s files is not advisable, as the changes may all be lost at the next updation. A neater way of doing this is to make the changes in functions.php in the child...
Another handy learning tool is grid paper, or 田字格纸 (tiánzìgézhǐ), which helps to keep your characters looking well-proportioned and your handwriting neat. There is even grid paper called 米字格纸 (mǐzìgézhǐ), which includes diagonal guidelines to make your characters even neater and...