Bottlenecking is the first thing to consider when you want to improve your GPU's performance. A bottleneck occurs when one of the components on your computer is slower than the rest. For instance, your graphics card may be underperforming because your processor is slow, or you might not have...
Before you test anything else, you should always inspect your GPU for any physical damage. To see if there is any damage to your card, remove the GPU from the computer and inspect the connection pins at the bottom. You should look for any burn marks or damaged connectors on the GPU. If...
Some minor glitches slowly make your PC’s performance terrible. You might not find out that your GPU has died until your computer crashes during gaming or when smoke starts coming out of your computer. Minor glitches in your computer can be solved with simple and easy methods to prevent any...
Your GPU looks promising as you have come this far. The final test determines whether the GPU works properly by gaming for some hours. You will get an idea of how well the GPU performs under continuous load. Make sure to play some heavy games that use GPU properly. Play those games for...
2.1. Use ASUS GPU Tweak III's overclocking mode. 2.1.1. Click on the GPU Tweak III icon on the desktop to access the main interface. 2.1.2. In the main interface window, click on "Overclocking Mode" to enable it. The system will automatically use overclocking mode based on the graphics...
How to Check Your GPU: two easy ways to find GPU details There are numerous ways to check your GPU model, but here’s the simplest method: press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and click the Task Manager option that appears at the center of the screen. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to automaticall...
Undervolting your graphics card only takes a bit of time, and it can greatly improve your gaming experience. WithASUS GPU Tweak III, you have two different ways to make your card more efficient, and we’ll discuss both in the guide below. You can read aboutall of GPU Tw...
When building or upgrading a gaming PC, choosing the right graphics card (GPU) is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. Unlike some components where minor performance differences are barely noticeable, your graphics card choice has an immediate and dramatic impact on your gaming experi...
How to overclock your GPU: Step-by-step instructionsOverclocking sounds dangerous, but it’s safe if you follow the steps below. Before you start, make sure you benchmark your default performance (see section below) to determine the baseline performance of your system. That way, you’ll get...
Another good reason to underclock your GPU isif warmer summer months are approachingand you’re wary of the additional heat that might be introduced to your PC case. There are other ways toreduce the temperature of the PC, but underclocking your GPU is a surefire way to do it. ...