Listen to the sounds and just try to copy the sounds that I make, all right?Sounds are really influenced by the other sounds that are around them in a sentence and natural spoken English is really a skill that you need to develop through practice and by listening to native English speakers...
You need a balance here: you want to give enough background details to make your story feel real, but you also need to get to the heart of your story quickly. People will lose interest if you don't get to the point.这里你需要做好权衡:你想要给出足够的背景细节让你的故事更加真实,但是...
make sure that your bristles are wet and rub them against the back of the tongue until you feel the need to gag. Repeat this process until you throw up. The rubbing action will induce the gag reflex and induce you to vomit quickly. ...
Work quickly so your loaf won’t have a chance to spread. Make three to five slashes across the top with a clean single-edge razor blade or a very sharp knife. They should be at least 1/2-inch deep. Repeat the same slashes if necessary to make the slits deep enough. Without delay,...
Remittent: fevers come and go at regular intervals. Hyperpyrexia: fever that is equal to or above 106.7 F; this temperature is too high -- it constitutes a medical emergency for the patient. In addition, there are well over 40 diseases that have "fever" as part of the disease name (fo...
To bring down a fever and make your child more comfortable, you can use acetaminophen (Children'sTylenol) or ibuprofen (Children'sMotrinorAdvil) if they're over 6 months old. Read the package to make sure you give the right dose for their weight and age. ...
What can you do to make your little one feel better? Luckily, infant fever symptoms can usually be managed in the comfort of your home with a handful of ways to help lower your baby’s high temperature. When is a fever too high for a baby? Regularly measuring your child’s temperature...
closed. It's OK to go out to restaurants, but I suggest Chinese restaurants for you will not feel awkward wearing a mask, and don’t share meals. The first thing to do when you go back from outside is to wash your hands. As long as you do these, you can basically avoid infection...
2) You have a fever 3) You are unable to walk or put any weight on the injured ankle 4) There is swelling around your ankle (bruising) 5) Your ankle swells up and down with movement. Apply Ice To Reduce Pain And Swelling Place an ice pack on your ankle for 15 minutes. ...
34、yget to meet people and make new frie nds.Gosh, I really have to go on a diet. Ive gained tenpounds since last year, and every one tells me I look fat.And if I dont lose weight no w, I wont be able to get intoany of my summer clothes.A: So how are things going with...