william. aidenee @ hotmail. com is the only adress that is the same. I have tried to block that adress, but it keep coming:/
import qrcode qrcode.make("BEGIN:VCARD]n" "VERSION:2.1\n" "FN: Gopher\n" "NOTE:Its possible to encode an image into a QR code!\n" "PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=PNG:iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEsAA" "AA8CAAAAAALAhhPAAAFfUlEQVRYw62XeWwUVRzHf2+OPbo9d7tsWyiya" "Zti6eWGAhISoIGKECEKCA...
To make this XSLT work, you must insert the following lines into the XML file as the first lines, whereCsExport.xslis the name of the file containing the XSL commands: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="CsExport.xsl"?> ...
A universal name is an alternate term coined by James Clark to describe the same concept. A universal name consists of a namespace name in curly braces and a local name. Namespaces tend to make more sense to people when viewed through the lens of universal names. Here are the three XML ...
PleasedontmakePDFversionsavailableontheinternet(itsokinintranet) FromthePDF,youcantruntheexemplesandthelinkstootherHow−tosarenotworking. Ifyoufeelthatefforthasbeenusefultoyou,perhapsyouwillconsidergivingsomethingback? YoucanmakeadonationthroughPayPalat,makeyoudonationto real@ ContributionsviaPayPalareacceptedin...
{ - "version": "1.3.2", - "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/error-ex/-/error-ex-1.3.2.tgz", - "integrity": "sha512-7dFHNmqeFSEt2ZBsCriorKnn3Z2pj+fd9kmI6QoWw4//DL+icEBfc0U7qJCisqrTsKTjw4fNFy2pW9OqStD84g==", - "dev": true, - "requires": { - "is-arrayish...
don't visit it because it will be a phishing page or attempt to install malware. So, a Bit.ly link in the spam message will have many parameters, which will identify you so remove all the rubbish from the '#' and use that to expand the link: ex.https://bit.ly/3QX2oJc#/api/bl...
drtynn to Anders1175Sep 03, 2023 After much trial and error I found a solution to the spam. TV 2 was hacked some years ago. You must make a rule: the message header contains "do not reply @ tv2 . no". Add action: Delete Marked as Solution View Full Discussion (18 Replies)Show...
You must make a rule: the message header contains "do not reply @ tv2 . no". Add action: Delete Marked as Solution Like 0 Reply Anders1175 Copper Contributor to drtynnSep 10, 2023 drtynnI didnt find that text in the header but made a rule that deletes all mails containing "...
I have the same problem, and my solution is to create a new rule "with specific words in the HEADER" then you have to check "Authentication-Results: spf=none". After you just have to choice to delete automatically or move mail in the spam folder....