Step 1: Once you’re done eating the pink watermelon fruit, save the rind. Cut and peel the watermelon rind. You’ll take off most of the remaining pink flesh. Tip: Peeling watermelon rind can be time-consuming. I find it easiest to cut the rind into long, narrow pieces (see below...
How to Tell When Watermelon is Ripe These tips will help you select a watermelon that is perfectly ripe and juicy. A ripe watermelon should make a hollow sound when you tap or knock on its rind. The rind should not scratch easily or give way under light pressure. ...
A ripe watermelon should have a creamy yellow or orange-colored field spot, which indicates that it has had enough time to ripen in the sun. If the field spot is white or green, it may mean that the watermelon is not yet ripe or was picked too early. Also, make sure the field spo...
No watermelon is not toxic to parrots. This juicy fruit contains vitamins and minerals, which will help your pet parrot to remain healthy. Make sure to remove the rind and seeds and only then feed the parrot. You can soak the seeds in water for four to five hours and then serve them ...
Cantaloupe is like candy in melon form. For some reason, watermelon gets all the summertime hype. Some of that needs to go straight to cantaloupe, which in my unpopular opinion, is much tastier than watermelon. With a strange texture, slimy seeds, and an abundance of, well, wateriness, ...
Ka-chick. Ka-chick. Ka-chick. Watermelon rind was still no match for the five-year old knives Tessa’s had gotten for her wedding. Black teardrops dotted pink flesh of the summer fruit. “Grrrr.” The seedless sticker had lied to Tessa, again. ...
An simple way to make tasty chamomile tea is: Put about 64 oz of spring water and about â½ a gallons into a small boil; add about 12 tea bags of camomile; add some other supplies. You should, for example, apply lemon zest, citrus or lemon rind, brown ginger, sugar, and more...
Feasts of Historyconsiders how resourceful cooks have found ways to make produce scraps not only edible, but desired. Such is the case withpickled watermelon rindthat offers acid, crunch, and a mild sweetness to charcuterie platters. It can even serve asthe centerpiece of a salad. When it co...
start by using a very sharp knife to cut off the top and bottom so that the fruit is revealed. Cut down vertically, following the curve of the fruit removing all the rind and pith, like you are peeling a whole pineapple or watermelon. Once the segments are revealed, hold the peeled po...