We thank all students for making our dorms a pleasant place to live comfortably. It is also our duty to keep it safe ...
Use these 7 tips to add moisture to the air without a humidifier. Continue ReadingAll-Natural VariationPrefer a spray with only natural ingredients? No problem! Simply eliminate the conditioner and vinegar from the recipe, and substitute one of the cups of distilled water with one cup of DIY ...
Want to know how to get smooth skin at home? Read on for top expert tips from skincare founder Alina Mehrle and licensed esthetician Josie Holmes that will help your skin feel and look baby-soft.
Check it regularly for mold or white dust. Clean it at least every few days. Fill it with distilled water. Use a cool-mist humidifier. Measure the room's humidity to make sure it doesn't get too damp and grow mold on the walls or ceilings. Avoid scented oils or other additives. Hum...
Here are some electric appliances which are prohibited to use in the dormitoy due to safety concerns: Electric Stove Electric Cooker Electric Kettle Electric Heater Immersion Water Heater Egg Boiler Humidifier Microwave Ov...
Grow Medium (place to grow, soil isn’t your only choice) Temperature (room temperature or a little warmer is perfect during the day, cannot stand freezing at night) Nutrients (start at half as much as what’s recommended on the package) Water (maintain pH for best results, soil likes ...
Optional upgrades to your monotub: Fresh air exchange (FAE) fan Humidifier with flexible hose Humidity controller Cycle timer Of course, you can also always opt to purchase amonotub kit that includes everything you need to get started.
Learn how to grow and care for gardenias in your garden or as a houseplant. Get tips for planting, pruning and more and discover the best gardenia varieties.
Water Resistance of Housewraps. Air Infiltration of Housewraps. Performance Table for Housewraps. Can the Vapor Barrier or better-termed, Moisture Barrier be Omitted? Guide to choosing & using synthetic, paper, felt, plastic & draining housewraps: house wrap requirements, Tyvek, Rwrap, Typar, ...
Set plants on shallow trays of moistened gravel to raise humidity. Pack damp sphagnum moss between pots in plants. Occasionally turning on a humidifier near your plants can be effective at combating indoor dryness. Fertilizer Most houseplants respond well to feeding, but be sure to follow the ins...