. For many vloggers, location is key to creating the ambiance that really brings their story to life. If that’s important to your vlog, a quality high-resolution camera like a GoPro, which now can shoot up to 5.3K resolution at a blistering 60 frames per second (fps), ensures you...
How to make a vlog in 5 easy steps Vlogging is as easy as five simple steps. And depending on your niche, you can choose how complicated you want to make each step. Many people find success with an amateur style of vlogging. Others prefer to go the more professional route. Whatever ...
To create a private vlog online, choose a secure video hosting platform like YouTube or Vimeo. Upload your vlog and set the privacy option to “Private” or “Unlisted,” depending on your preference. However, one of the more effective ways to make a vlog private is through a white label...
原链接:https://youtu.be/YLtBso6doJE 转自油管博主 Ruby Lyn 原标题:HOW TO MAKE DEPOP SELLING YOUR JOB VLOG | Packaging, Shipping, Thrift With Me, Haul, and MORE !! 也欢迎你来微博找我玩@BeautiesClub 展开更多 vlog 生活 日常 欧美
How to Edit a Vlog Use video editing software. When filming a vlog, you’ll inevitably pause from time to time, make mistakes, or need to reshoot something. This is where editing comes in handy. Editing videos allows you to cut down your video to keep the most important parts. There ar...
Top YouTube content creators can make hundreds—if not thousands—of dollars a day. But ironically, being successful and making money on YouTube has little to do with making videos.So how DO you become successful on YouTube?Today we’re going to share with you techniques from some of the...
【Vlog】如何制作梅尔土 How to make your own Mel's Mix 041 本站是提供个人知识管理的网络存储空间,所有内容均由用户发布,不代表本站观点。请注意甄别内容中的联系方式、诱导购买等信息,谨防诈骗。如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击一键举报。
Editing a YouTube video on your smartphone is going to be a bit more bare-bones thanediting on a laptop. This means that you should plan for a simpler video that doesn’t rely as much on special effects or complicated cuts. A basic vlog, a head and shoulders interview, or even a sim...
Starting a vlog. Vloggers, like bloggers before them, talk about themselves, but it usually helps to have some kind of focus or theme for your YouTube channel that will bring in an audience. “Make sure you have a niche or a community that you really want to focus on,” says vlogger...
Now, before you start vlogging, it’s important to know what a vlog is and the fundamentals of how to make a vlog so you won’t make any missteps that could have been avoided. A successful vlog takes time and effort. You may not experience immediate traction, especially if vlogging on...